Terminal Application


Called in the terminal to open the Visualization GUI application to inspect trials. A file path must be inputed to run the application. The trial_inspect app will allow you to inspect an .asc eye-tracking data file. trial_inspect will create plots of pupil size and eye movement (x-axis and y-axis) over trial time. While inspecting each trial, you will be able to label the trial as either good(1) or bad(0). The quality list defaults to all trials as good. If a previous quality list exists, you will be able to load it in. After inspection, the option to save quality list will be given.


  • filename: required argument that specified the file path to the eye-tracking data

the -- are required for all parameters except filename and are considered optional parameters.

  • --eyes_recorded: Define which eye data to extract "left", "right", "auto"

  • --both_eyes_recorded: True if both eyes were recorded. False is only the left or right eyes was being recorded

  • --mode: 'd' = default, use the default start and end times given in the file. 'u' = user defined, take in start_msg and end_msg to use as the.

  • --start_msg: use regular expression to identify the user inputed start message markers,
    ex. r"TRIAL \d START"

  • --end_msg: use regular expression to identify the user inputed end message makers,
    ex. r"TRIAL \d END"

  • --create_epoch: True creates timelocking epochs and False creates session by trials

  • --rm_blinks: True removes eye blinks from data and False keeps eye blinks

  • --buffer: Buffer size for eye blink removal

  • --interpolate: Interpolation type. (Default is linear) for eye blink removal

  • --event_condition_file: path to a .csv file that holds timestamps and conditions for time locking epoch

  • --pre_event: milliseconds before defined starting timestamps for time locking epoch

  • --post_event: milliseconds after defined starting timestamps for time locking epoch

  • --pupil_baseline: Baselining for pupil size data

Example: In Terminal

python3 abra-eyetracking/trial_inspect.py ~/Documents/Github/abra-eyetracking/test/asc/filename.asc